Visit us
and get your bear

Visit us
and get your bear
Come along for guided tour of our atelier. In 1,5 - 2 hour walk and talk we tell you the story of this extraordinary art and life project with details on wood firing ceramic techniques, international exhibitions, sculpture park.
Price (ticket) is € 5,-
You get to hear the story of the atelier, refreshment and a souvenir to take home (ceramic bear).
Visit us
and get your bear

Visit us
and get your bear
Come along for guided tour of our atelier. In 1,5 - 2 hour walk and talk we tell you the story of this extraordinary art and life project with details on wood firing ceramic techniques, international exhibitions, sculpture park.
Price (ticket) is € 5,-
You get to hear the story of the atelier, refreshment and a souvenir to take home (ceramic bear).
Atelje Janja Gora

Umjetnici Ateljea
Iza dugogodišnjeg rada ateljea stoji profesionalnost, vizija i stil naših umjetnika; na ovim stranicama pronađite njihove dizajnerske radove i usluge te tako podržite nastavak njihovog razvoja, a sebi priuštite unikatne, ručno rađene proizvode iz postojeće ponude ili narudžbom po želji.
Suosnivačica Ateljea, umjetnička urednica, dizajnerica i keramičarka
Saznajte više o linijama dizajnerskih keramičkih uporabnih i dekorativnih umjetnina kao i mogućnostima posebnih narudžbi