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Atelje Janja GoraActivities ➢ Anagama firing

Wood firing experience

Janjagama anagama firing

Anagama firing is always a special event. It's not just the production of great works, but more the intense experience of fire, flames, hard work and unexpected joy. We fire our anagama 2-3 times a year, gathering people from all over the world to parttake in this extraordinary event. The firing consist of two weekends. We start at Friday, by filling the kiln and preparing for firing. The firing teams are assembled and late at night, as we finish loading and stacking, we make a small fire of initiation and go for a short rest. Early Saturday morning we start the fire and gradually build it up. We take shifts in firing, as the fire must go on all the time. As the temperature in the kiln rises, the whole atmosphere around the kiln rises as well.  Songs are sung, stories told, experiences shared, all the while closely watching the fire and doing all that's necessary. The work goes on until deep in the night, next morning or afternoon. It is hard to predict, as every wood firing depends on so many different things (type of wood, outside temperature and pressure, quantity of works in the kiln, ...) and every wood firing stands on it's own.

While firing we work as a team, we cook together, take shifts in firing and sleeping on the sofas and  hammocks, carrying and cutting wood, everything.

Sunday, after we finish and seal the kiln, we depart, and the waiting week begins. The anagama kiln needs a week to cool off. It is not to be opened or disturbed in any way, so we wait. Next weekend we come together again for the opening, to admire or cry over the results of the firing. Every kiln opening is also a small celebration and always accompanied by some food and drinks and good company.

The price of this event/workshop is € 350,- per person and includes everything, food, materials, drinks, instructions, etc.

10 years. November 2023. Firing...

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